A short interview with Erik Thomson on a morning show in Australia. Very many thanks to Tanya for providing the interview.
- “I grew up in a medical environment…” [188 kb]
- “Scottish born…” [83 kb]
- “Been busy…” [39 kb]
- “Where Dad works…” [105 kb]
- (Comparison between theatre and tv.)
- “Hours are better…” [157 kb]
- “Now I’m back” [14 kb]
- “Here I am” [13 kb]
- “How are you” [8 kb]
These wavs are from the Ray Bradbury Theater episode, “By the Numbers.” Erik plays Young Man and encounters someone who remembers him as a boy…
- “Looks like you’re trying to give that away.” [40 kb]
- “Why would you give a drink to a stranger, just like that?” [39 kb]
- “Where? When?” [45 kb]
- “You would never believe it.” [25 kb]
- “I know.” [22 kb]
- “Why, ’cause you think it might help now?” [40 kb]
- “One day, it must have been a year after you were there…” [56 kb]
- “Company dismissed.” [27 kb]
- “Isn’t that a laugh? Isn’t that a joke?” [48 kb]
- “I wasn’t allowed to ask.” [38 kb]
- “Dad, how come you never get in the pool? Not once in all these years since I was real small. How come Dad? Why not?” [121 kb]
- “No, no he killed himself, don’t you see? I couldn’t be sure he wasn’t faking. He tricked me before. He was always trying to catch me breaking discipline.” [106 kb]
- “Hide around the corner or pretend to go to the men’s room, jump back, find me at ease. Ten demerits, twenty demerits!” [88 kb]
- “The night you left…” [25 kb]
- “The night you left, he dropped his watch in the pool. And hit me when I rescued it.” [89 kb]
- “It was standing there again by the pool that day, I thought he was luring me on, tricking me into disobeying.” [69 kb]
- “So I had to wait, you know, I couldn’t take a chance.” [60 kb]
- “…had to be sure.” [33 kb]
- “You know what?” [28 kb]
- “I didn’t cry then and I haven’t cried since.” [65 kb]
- “…once in all these years.” [43 kb]
- “No tears. ‘Cause it’s so funny, don’t you think?” [72 kb]
- “So funny. A million laughs, that was my dad. Don’t you agree?” [129 kb]