The webgal would like to give her heartfelt thanks to the following people for their contributions:
TARA of Tara’s Xena and Hercules Guys – Not only do you have a highly informative site, but you let me reproduce some key Erik Thomson articles. Thank you so very much for giving me a chance to read up on my favorite actor. I always check your site for latest stuff…
CEALLACH of Ceallach’s Iolausian Page – For the first article on the Articles page. When I first heard of the article, I wasn’t sure if I would ever see it. Then you sent it to me. THANK YOU! 🙂
SEAWAVE – For the Erik interview from 11AM and for the All Saints episodes (even though I have yet to get them converted!). And for being such a cool email pal…
SURA of Once Upon a Dream – Thank you for converting those All Saints episodes (which I still need to watch, I know). And thank you so much for the Pacific Drive episodes! You have really done so much for me and I don’t think I’ve done half as much for you. So I try to be as good a friend as I can be. Big hugs! 🙂
RACHEL of Chris Conrad by TheRose – For that short, “Snap.” Hey, I got to impress Danielle Cormack with my “You got to kiss him” comment and I wouldn’t have been able to do that if it hadn’t been for you. So, my OT, many thanks! And for all the other stuff too. I think you encourage me too much when it comes to my fellows. LOL!
NICOLEF – For those first 3 All Saints episodes. Wonderful quality and I finally got to hear Erik’s natural accent! Thank you so much and if you ever read this, drop me a line sometime! 🙂
ANNIE – For those scanned images of Erik, especially the one of him, Libby Tanner, and Brian Vriends.
AZHREIA – For having that Erik page up for awhile. It was so nice to see another well done Erik site out there!
THE AUCKLAND THEATRE COMPANY – For allowing me to use images of Erik from their site…
ERIK THOMSON – Gads, how do I say thank you without gushing? 🙂 Well, thank you very much for taking the time to write me. It’s such a thrill to know that my efforts are noticed by you and yours. As long as you’re working, I’ll do my best to keep up.
ERIK’S FAMILY – Thank you! 🙂 The biggest compliment I’ve ever gotten was – “We’re his biggest fans – next to you!” You just don’t know how much that means to me.
MY HUBBY- Thanks for letting me piddle along on the computer at all hours. I’m a lucky gal to have such an indulgent husband, eh? Love you!
And to those who visit Erik Thomson Central– MANY THANKS! I hope you find this site informative and fun. Come back again soon and don’t forget to sign the guestbook! 🙂
–Valerie aka Kiari (I’ll answer to either)