Happy 2009!

I hope everyone had a wonderful start to 2009!

The Black Balloon won the following Australian Film Institute Awards:

  • Best Film (Tristam Miall)
  • Best Direction (Elissa Down)
  • Best Original Screenplay (Elissa Down & Jimmy the Exploder)
  • Best Supporting Actor (Luke Ford)
  • Best Supporting Actress (Toni Collette)

The Black Balloon opened in the US and can be seen in limited release.  Please check out the official US site for The Black Balloon for places and dates.  (It hasn’t made its way here in my part of the US, but when it does, I’ll be there!)

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10 Responses to Happy 2009!

  1. Hanne Hansen says:

    happy new year to you too Valerie. and I wish all of you the best in his new year.

  2. mobina says:

    happy new year!
    thanks for update!
    have a good year!:)

  3. mobina says:

    I saw “the black balloon” this morning.It was gerat ! I love it !

  4. mobina says:

    you don’t want to update the site??!!:-(

  5. mobina says:

    hi ! how are you?!
    1 question! Does Erik have another job ?what’s his job!?

  6. Hanne Hansen says:

    He is an actor, he is in a new movie this ýear called beautiful.

  7. mobina says:

    where are you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

  8. mobina says:

    realy you don’t eant to update the site?!:-(

  9. mobina says:

    2days later is ERIK & CAITLIN wedding anniverssary!
    Happy 10th wedding anniverssary Erik,
    best wishes for you & your wife.

  10. Valerie says:

    Actually, Erik and Caitlin were married in August, not April…

    Sorry for the lack of updates. The domain is experiencing some difficulties and I’m trying to figure out the best way to move it…

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