- will be released New Zealand wide on November 8, 2007.
- For images and more info, as well as the trailer, head out to the movie’s official site – http://www.heretohelp.co.nz/
- a couple of images can be seen in the gallery here at Erik Thomson Central
I’ve added a couple of more roles to Erik’s credits. As soon as I know more about them, I’ll post. 😉
dear all (especially my friends in iran),
merry christmas to you all. thanks for all your kind words. it seems i am unable to answer them personally by email, not sure why, but i appreciate your comments and again it would be great to visit iran. please contact your tv station to ask them to grant me a visit!!
again my appreciation to valerie for maintaining this website.
all the best, erik t.
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happy new year to you and caitlin hope you have a great one I live in axminster devon uk I loved you in all saints you were fantastic
I am so looking forward to see those new movies and the new series where you are in! I just hope I will be able to watch it here in Denmark! And one day you really should visit our country! Now when we have an Australian princess. (lol not that I am a royal fan at all, but hey its a good reason ;D) And a wonderful nature! I was wondering if there is any address for fantail to you?
i love you erik dear please send some picure from you for me
you are very good artist
thanks erik deaer
i love you ilove ilove you ilove youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
happy birthday
have a great day on the 27th apr 08
lol mandy xxxx
hi dear erik
when i watch in all saint that mitch is dead, i was became so sad.
you decided go from all saint own?
I’m in australia. woo.
and i used to watch all saints with mum from like grade 6- year 8 and i loved mitch 😀 and i cried when he died =[ and then i stopped watching it. and now people when people ask if i watch it i go ‘nah i havent watched it since mitch died. it got crap after that’ haha. except that me and mum just started watching it again. but its like a different show , so many new people.
then this year they started playing re-runs on foxtel of all saints with mitch. and i was like =D and i taped it every week. then within like a month i got season 2,3,4 and 5 on dvd 😀 haha.
and now im watching season 3 for like the … 4th time i think haha. rahhh i hate that mitch and rose got married.
i love mitch and terri together. so cute =D
i lovvvvvve eriks eyes. ohmygosh. <3
and packed to the rafters is good too =D i watch it with mum every tuesday and then we watch [new] all saints. so thankyouuu for giving my mum and I a reason to spend time together which we don’t do very much. 😀
i LOve you and ivery love color eyes.you are perfect.have good time and good day and year.bye….