Happy Birthday Erik!

Here’s to a WONDERFUL birthday to Erik! 🙂

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45 Responses to Happy Birthday Erik!

  1. Mobina says:

    hi ! Happy birthday Mr.Thomson !I LOVE you very muchhhhhh………!
    best wishes !

  2. madosa says:

    i love your act in allsaint as mitch stevens
    have a good time

  3. Parto says:

    Hi..MR Thomson.first of all happy birthday to you and next I wanna tell you that I`m an Iranian.I like your act in AllSaints.In fact all Iranian love you.If you are reading this comment please send an email to me and my friend,Mastaneh. please come and visit Iran.WE LOVE YOU.

  4. fateme says:

    heloo MR. Thamson
    haaaaapy birth day
    i looooove you very much and I hope best wishes for you

  5. aram says:

    hi erik thomson my name is aram
    im live in iran and show your ( All saints) tank for you and georgie parke—libby tanner and….
    i love youuuu
    Happy birthday

  6. farzane says:

    mitch stevens
    i didnt realy belive it !!

  7. senator says:

    hi erik i am from iran you are very good in all saints and my city piople love you have agood time with victory

  8. aida says:

    your act is perfect .

  9. ali says:

    hi…mr eric..i am in iran…I love your film..All Saints….this film showing in the iranina TV…..oh…hapyy birthday….

  10. catherine manaf says:

    hi dear erik happy bearthday.
    i love you very much.
    catherine and narmin of iran.

  11. Mahdi says:

    I Wish The Best For You

  12. Atefeh says:

    hi Mr. Thomson, happy birthday,i love your act in allsaint as mitch stevens very much, be successful

  13. Saeed says:

    hi . i like your act as mitch in All Saints
    last week tv shows that part which you were dead
    cuz of illness,
    //Good Luck//Mr.Thomson

  14. arash says:

    hi DR.MITCH
    as u see u have many fans in iran and i am one of those guys that love u so much.
    u are perfect man.i’m so upset that u died in all saints.please leave a message for your fans and make us sure that u read all of these messages

  15. arash says:

    heeey i’m sending message again.
    man you’re great.u don;t know how i feel when i see your face on tv.
    if i wasn’t boy,i would come there kiss your lips.just come to iran and you will find thousand of your fans here.

  16. sheyda says:

    ilove u happy birthday my honney

  17. sheyda says:

    i love u for ever

  18. Fattaneh says:

    Hello Erik.

  19. Fattaneh says:

    Hello Erik.I am a medical doctor and I love your wonderful and real action in AllSaints.I wish you be sucssesful and healthy in your life.I am from Iran and I hope to see you in iran.My husbund (is Dr. too )and my son Arman love you very much.

  20. malileh says:

    hello MR thomson.happy birthday.i’m from Iran as many fans that post comments here.
    i love your act in “all saints” as mitch stevens.you
    were realy perfect.
    i hope you be successful in your all seconds of life.
    please send me an e-mail and make me realy happy.

    Good Luck

  21. Hrithik roshan says:

    hi erik

  22. soheila says:

    Hello Erik . happy birth day for you .

  23. soheila says:


  24. ali reza says:

    happy birthday erik
    you are the best actor for me.

  25. shaghayegh says:

    hi erik i love your charector in all saints and i cry so much when mitch died .i love you and i wish best moments for you HAPPY BIRTHDAY

  26. erik says:

    hello all erik here,
    just logged-on to have a look at vals great work and saw all my friends in iran!!!! i am so thrilled that ‘all saints’ has a life there. i want to come there and meet you all. if anyone reads this let me know which network plays the show and i will contact them. i want to come for a visit!!!!
    cheers erik thomson.

  27. Mobina says:

    To Last Comment( ERIK) !
    In Iran Channel 1 shows All Saints ! On Thursday,1opm in iran !
    the site of channel 1 is : http://tv1.irib.ir !
    and if you want send e-mail to them you use : prsima1@irib.ir or sima1@irib.ir
    & their adress is ( Iran) – Tehran -Vali Asr street-Jam e Jam street- Sima Apartamn – channel one

    **** I was send the first comment to your birth day !!!!!!!!!! :D****

  28. sara says:

    hello erik
    i am iranian.
    you are good actor.

  29. sara says:

    hi erick
    Ilive in iran.do you know iran? Ilove you and your act in allsaints.

  30. sara akhgari says:

    hi erik
    Ilive in Iran .Do you know Iran?Ilove you and your act in allsaints.
    Iwant your biography. thanks

  31. chris says:

    hi erik good morning

  32. baran says:

    hello Im an iranian and I want you send an email for me because I had an emergency massage for you.
    happy your birthday.

  33. baran says:

    hello happy your birthday

  34. baran says:

    hello I invite you to study about islam in your birthday and happy to you.

  35. eli shirinzad says:

    I want libby tanner’s E_mail please.please.please.please…

  36. eli shirinzad says:

    hi erik
    I want libby tanner’s E_mail please.please.please.please…
    love you.

  37. maryam says:

    my dear erik
    i’m iranian too, i like dr.mich in “ALL SAINTS” verey much.
    when i read your message become glad
    i love you verey much
    i want to have one mail from you,
    my heart is full of best wishes
    i hope you be succssful in your life

  38. fahimeh says:

    Dear Erik,

    My mother and i love your charector and real act in
    “allsaint”. you are perfect. we wish you all the best and invite you to half of world, Esfahan. we hope see you in iran and our unique city Esfahan.


  39. hi erik
    i have sented you lost of massajes but you didnt read them
    as i read other massejes it made me sad that you dont read main .
    and i kiss you wery muuuuuuuch
    in pershian langoje much means kiss so I much you

  40. hi dear erik
    i really love you
    and i want to visit you
    you are most good looking man in all over the world
    please come to iran or tell me how can I find you in australia
    bay the way
    happy birth day
    best wishes
    bye for now

  41. to my love erik
    you are perfect .you are great
    happy birth day

  42. farid says:

    first of all #happy birthday to you . happy birthday dear erik. its a long time that iran tv is showing your beautiful serial called all saints you know it was very exciting ,till you played in it but then it went down you were the best in it and all iranians love you wish you hear me saying we love you from all your fans in iran good bye

  43. farid says:

    one another thing that i forget you were very handsome in the serial but long hair isnt fit to you just short hair erik

  44. farid says:

    i write a sentence in farsi its my gift whether you accept or not ????? ????? ????? ????? ???????

  45. alireza says:

    dear eric
    my name ia alireza and Im from IRAN I should say that I have followed watching all series of ALL SAINTS since 4 years ago.the main reason for following these series is you and martin lynes.it was so terrible and unbelievable that you left these series with only an excuse.I want to become more familiar with you.please get in touch with sending e-mail.
    sincerely yours

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